2009년 11월 30일 월요일

Ys 1 & 2

_S ULJM-05474
_G Ys 1 & 2
_C0 Max Gold  (Ys
_L 0x201768c0 0x0001869F
_C0 Maximum experience (Ys
_L 0x201768c4 0x0001869F
_C0 HP maintains the maximum (Ys
_L 0x501768B4 0x00000004
_L 0x001768B0 0x00000000
_C0 Maintain maximum MP (Ys
_L 0x501768B4 0x00000004
_L 0x001768B0 0x00000000
_C0 Obtain n times the gold (Ys
_L 0x20001010 0x0a226335
_L 0x20001014 0x00052xxx
_L 0x200270c0 0x0e200404
_C0 N times the value obtained through (Ys
_L 0x20001000 0x8e050014
_L 0x20001004 0x0a209c34
_L 0x20001008 0x00052xxx
_L 0x200270c8 0x0a200400
xxx: Gold
common experience
840:2 times
880:4 times
8C0: 8 times
900:16 times
940:32 times
980:64 times
9C0: 128 times
_C0 Speed change (Ys

_L 0x10074604 0x00000xxx
_L 0x10074608 0x00000yyy
xxx: speed run
yyy: walking speed
280: walking speed (standard)
480: Speed run (standard)
680: about 1.5 times the speed run
880: about 2.0 times the speed run
Velocity through the wall and more than two times
_C0 ax Gold (Ys
_L 0x2027a144 0x0001869F
_C0 Experience the maximum value (Ys
_L 0x2027a148 0x0001869F
_C0 Maintain maximum HP (Ys
_L 0x5027a12c 0x00000004
_L 0x0027a128 0x00000000
_C0 Maintain maximum MP (Ys
_L 0x5027a13c 0x00000004
_L 0x0027a138 0x00000000
_C0 Gold doubled obtain n (Ys
_L 0x20001030 0x8e02001c
_L 0x20001034 0x0a214ac8
_L 0x20001038 0x00021xxx
_L 0x20052b18 0x0a20040c
_C0 x times the value obtained through (Ys
_L 0x20001020 0x3466869f
_L 0x20001024 0x0a214ac1
_L 0x20001028 0x00042xxx
_L 0x20052afc 0x0a200408
_L 0x20052b00 0x3c030001
xxx: Gold
common experience
040:2 times
080:4 times
0C0: 8 times
100:16 times
140:32 times
180:64 times
1C0: 128 times

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